there is a grass-roots effort to have former Senator Fred Thompson as a presidential candidate in the 2008 Elections, you can read it in his own words at:
Remember that a knowledgeable voter is a wise voter!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
VOTERS ALLERT!: Find out what is the 'nine nineties in nine' pledge for all candidates for president in 2008
Since I am NOT a Newt Gingrich kind of person, is unusual that I even opened and read his email today… BUT I like his idea of the “Nine Nineties in Nine” Pledge for the 2008 Elections… read on!
What is the "Nine Nineties in Nine" Pledge?
If you believe, as I do, that there is an opportunity for a better political dialogue now and in 2008, then I need your help. I issued a challenge at Cooper Union to those who are running for president asking them to take a pledge which can be summarized as follows.
"If I receive my party's nomination for President of the United States, I pledge to participate in nine, ninety-minute dialogues in the nine weeks before the general election with my opponent. In the Lincoln-Douglas style, I will agree to debate my opponent with only a time-keeper, and to insist upon no rules. I understand it will be just me and my solutions and my opponent with theirs."
One Candidate Takes the Nine Nineties in Nine Challenge -- Who Will be Next?
I was walking in mid-town Manhattan near 44th and 6th Ave. on my way to pre-tape an interview with Dr. Jim Dobson for Focus on the Family. Someone from behind tapped me on my shoulder and asked me for my autograph. Reaching for my pen, I turned around and who was standing there with his famous Big Apple smile but the former Mayor himself, Rudy Giuliani. In the middle of the sidewalk we spoke for 10 minutes and them something wonderful happened. After I told him about the pledge challenge we were about to issue at Cooper Union that night, without missing a beat, he readily agreed to the challenge.
So who will be the next to take the Nine Nineties in Nine Pledge? You can help every candidate to accept by writing their offices, calling talk radio or asking them personally. If enough voters insist upon substance and civility in the next eighteen months, then candidates will have no choice but to tell their consultants "No" and tell Americans "YES", there is a better way.
I believe we succeeded in providing one model to improve the 2008 campaign. I think those in attendance on Wednesday night would agree. But I'll leave it up to you to decide. You can watch the entire event on the web at
Let him know what you think.
Here is the entire email:
Nine Nineties in Nine
You'll never guess who asked for my autograph last week? The answer in a bit, but first I want to report on the event that I hope will help change the political discourse in America for the 2008 campaign.
Lincoln's Inspiration at Cooper Union
Regular readers of Winning the Future will know that last Wednesday evening, New York's former Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo and I appeared together at historic Cooper Union in New York City, the site where Abraham Lincoln delivered the speech that arguably made him President. Cooper Union is situated on the edge of Manhattan's East Village. Those familiar with New York City know that being a conservative in the East Village is about as lonely as one can be. Hundreds waited in line outside the Great Hall for hours to get in. By 6:30 p.m, the 900 seats were full.
We came to Cooper Union for one reason -- to demonstrate that it was possible for leaders from opposing political parties to have a thoughtful and civilized conversation about the future of America. We wrote about it in the New York Sun. You can read it here. And that it could be done without the long list of rules political consultants insist upon. In fact, there were no rules. We each spoke for 30 minutes. Then, Tim Russert from NBC News posed challenging questions to each of us which produced a substantive issue-driven exchange.
Speaking as a conservative, I am happy to report that it is possible to go into the heart of a liberal stronghold with conservative solutions and be well received. But, there are also tremendous benefits in doing so. Here's why.
We have all become used to candidates appearing at events where the audience is made up of ideologically sympathetic supporters. Most candidates for president know all too well how to get cheers of approval from their bases with well delivered poll-tested partisan talking points. However, it would be a different situation entirely if candidates had to consistently appear in front of people who are not inclined to be in agreement with them. Add to that, someone from the other party who will challenge their positions, then add to that someone from the media who knows how to cut through the rhetoric. Now, that is a much more substantial challenge and one likely to produce a much better quality of meaningful dialogue about how to meet the many challenges facing the country.
Such a level of meaningful exchange is critical to our democratic process. First and most importantly, it requires candidates to know what they stand for. A candidate must know more than talking points; he or she must know the substance of the material. They must be able to draw on historical parallels to support their arguments. They must know the audience and understand something about their worldview in order to relate to them. Candidates must be clear. They must provide real solutions to our challenges. But even all of that is not nearly enough. They must persuade.
Persuasion is what counts in a free society. If you cannot persuade, you cannot succeed in solving America's challenges because in the end, the American people must support your solutions or nothing can get done. It's time for a new model.
Governor Cuomo and I set out to demonstrate that two political leaders with dramatically different political perspectives can have a constructive, intelligent, free-wheeling dialogue about America without degenerating into petty partisan political point scoring where no one is persuaded.
We wanted to contrast our lively exchange with the rule-driven, consultant-strangled "debates" we've seen in the past few campaign cycles, in which campaign consultants maximize candidate choreography while minimizing the possibility of an informative, challenging debate.
Governor Cuomo and I believe that the Cooper Union model is good for America. I believe it will produce a much richer dialogue, more informed and better candidates, will encourage solutions and substance, and perhaps most significantly, will reengage millions of Americans to become active participants in America's future but who are today turned off by the trivial shallowness of the current political process.
The "Nine Nineties in Nine" Pledge
If you believe, as I do, that there is an opportunity for a better political dialogue now and in 2008, then I need your help. I issued a challenge at Cooper Union to those who are running for president asking them to take a pledge which can be summarized as follows.
"If I receive my party's nomination for President of the United States, I pledge to participate in nine, ninety-minute dialogues in the nine weeks before the general election with my opponent. In the Lincoln-Douglas style, I will agree to debate my opponent with only a time-keeper, and to insist upon no rules. I understand it will be just me and my solutions and my opponent with theirs."
Tim Russert from Meet the Press stated in the Great Hall at Cooper Union that he would ask every presidential candidate if they would agree to nine ninety-minute debates in nine weeks. I am asking you to do the same. When a candidate asks for your support, ask them if they will take the Nine Nineties in Nine Pledge.
Americans deserve the chance to see the candidates in an unfiltered dialogue. They deserve to be persuaded with solutions that stem from core beliefs. Most of all, they deserve a presidential election process worthy of choosing the man or woman who will occupy the Oval Office and assume the mantle of leader of the free world.
One Candidate Takes the Nine Nineties in Nine Challenge -- Who Will be Next?
So who asked for my autograph? Let's see if you guessed right. Before the Cooper Union event I was walking in mid-town Manhattan near 44th and 6th Ave. on my way to pre-tape an interview with Dr. Jim Dobson for Focus on the Family. Someone from behind tapped me on my shoulder and asked me for my autograph. Reaching for my pen, I turned around and who was standing there with his famous Big Apple smile but the former Mayor himself, Rudy Giuliani. In the middle of the sidewalk we spoke for 10 minutes and them something wonderful happened. After I told him about the pledge challenge we were about to issue at Cooper Union that night, without missing a beat, he readily agreed to the challenge.
So who will be the next to take the Nine Nineties in Nine Pledge? You can help every candidate to accept by writing their offices, calling talk radio or asking them personally. If enough voters insist upon substance and civility in the next eighteen months, then candidates will have no choice but to tell their consultants "No" and tell Americans "YES", there is a better way.
I believe we succeeded in providing one model to improve the 2008 campaign. I think those in attendance on Wednesday night would agree. But I'll leave it up to you to decide. You can watch the entire event on the web at
Let me know what you think.
Your friend,
Newt Gingrich
P.S. -- I spoke to a record crowd at the 34th annual CPAC conference on Saturday. In the speech, I hit a number of points including asking the candidates to take the Pledge.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
On the Radio
Winning the Future with Newt Gingrich, a new series of 90-second radio commentaries, can be heard Monday through Friday on more than 350 radio stations during The G. Gordon Liddy Show and The Michael Reagan Show. For a list of stations, click here.
* Related Commentary:
The Cooper Union Model
Come to Cooper Union
English First, Not English Only
Are We Our Own Most Expensive Enemy?
More Than the Presidency
If you have an organization or know of an organization that would benefit from the national radio exposure gained by sponsoring Winning the Future with Newt Gingrich, please contact Mary Lou Davidson (, 941-379-1440) at Matrix Media to find out more about how you can make a difference through this limited opportunity.
Leading the Majority - Winning the Future's Talk Radio Show
Friday at 2:00 PM ET on after Paul Weyrich's "The Right Hour."
Last Friday, Rick and Vince hosted the show live from the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. We interviewed former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore about his plans to run for President. We also interviewed nationally syndicated columnist Barry Casselman about his thoughts on the CPAC conference and his reaction to last week's Cooper Union event that featured Newt Gingrich and Mario Cuomo.
Rick Tyler is Newt's spokesman and Vince Haley directs Newt's policy research.
Copyright ©2007 Eagle Publishing Inc.
If a friend has forwarded you this message, visit to subscribe to FREE conservative news alerts from Newt Gingrich, Ann Coulter, and Robert Novak.
Photograph of Speaker Newt Gingrich by ©2004 Doug DeMark Photography.
Human Events, One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001
Since I am NOT a Newt Gingrich kind of person, is unusual that I even opened and read his email today… BUT I like his idea of the “Nine Nineties in Nine” Pledge for the 2008 Elections… read on!
What is the "Nine Nineties in Nine" Pledge?
If you believe, as I do, that there is an opportunity for a better political dialogue now and in 2008, then I need your help. I issued a challenge at Cooper Union to those who are running for president asking them to take a pledge which can be summarized as follows.
"If I receive my party's nomination for President of the United States, I pledge to participate in nine, ninety-minute dialogues in the nine weeks before the general election with my opponent. In the Lincoln-Douglas style, I will agree to debate my opponent with only a time-keeper, and to insist upon no rules. I understand it will be just me and my solutions and my opponent with theirs."
One Candidate Takes the Nine Nineties in Nine Challenge -- Who Will be Next?
I was walking in mid-town Manhattan near 44th and 6th Ave. on my way to pre-tape an interview with Dr. Jim Dobson for Focus on the Family. Someone from behind tapped me on my shoulder and asked me for my autograph. Reaching for my pen, I turned around and who was standing there with his famous Big Apple smile but the former Mayor himself, Rudy Giuliani. In the middle of the sidewalk we spoke for 10 minutes and them something wonderful happened. After I told him about the pledge challenge we were about to issue at Cooper Union that night, without missing a beat, he readily agreed to the challenge.
So who will be the next to take the Nine Nineties in Nine Pledge? You can help every candidate to accept by writing their offices, calling talk radio or asking them personally. If enough voters insist upon substance and civility in the next eighteen months, then candidates will have no choice but to tell their consultants "No" and tell Americans "YES", there is a better way.
I believe we succeeded in providing one model to improve the 2008 campaign. I think those in attendance on Wednesday night would agree. But I'll leave it up to you to decide. You can watch the entire event on the web at
Let him know what you think.
Here is the entire email:
Nine Nineties in Nine
You'll never guess who asked for my autograph last week? The answer in a bit, but first I want to report on the event that I hope will help change the political discourse in America for the 2008 campaign.
Lincoln's Inspiration at Cooper Union
Regular readers of Winning the Future will know that last Wednesday evening, New York's former Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo and I appeared together at historic Cooper Union in New York City, the site where Abraham Lincoln delivered the speech that arguably made him President. Cooper Union is situated on the edge of Manhattan's East Village. Those familiar with New York City know that being a conservative in the East Village is about as lonely as one can be. Hundreds waited in line outside the Great Hall for hours to get in. By 6:30 p.m, the 900 seats were full.
We came to Cooper Union for one reason -- to demonstrate that it was possible for leaders from opposing political parties to have a thoughtful and civilized conversation about the future of America. We wrote about it in the New York Sun. You can read it here. And that it could be done without the long list of rules political consultants insist upon. In fact, there were no rules. We each spoke for 30 minutes. Then, Tim Russert from NBC News posed challenging questions to each of us which produced a substantive issue-driven exchange.
Speaking as a conservative, I am happy to report that it is possible to go into the heart of a liberal stronghold with conservative solutions and be well received. But, there are also tremendous benefits in doing so. Here's why.
We have all become used to candidates appearing at events where the audience is made up of ideologically sympathetic supporters. Most candidates for president know all too well how to get cheers of approval from their bases with well delivered poll-tested partisan talking points. However, it would be a different situation entirely if candidates had to consistently appear in front of people who are not inclined to be in agreement with them. Add to that, someone from the other party who will challenge their positions, then add to that someone from the media who knows how to cut through the rhetoric. Now, that is a much more substantial challenge and one likely to produce a much better quality of meaningful dialogue about how to meet the many challenges facing the country.
Such a level of meaningful exchange is critical to our democratic process. First and most importantly, it requires candidates to know what they stand for. A candidate must know more than talking points; he or she must know the substance of the material. They must be able to draw on historical parallels to support their arguments. They must know the audience and understand something about their worldview in order to relate to them. Candidates must be clear. They must provide real solutions to our challenges. But even all of that is not nearly enough. They must persuade.
Persuasion is what counts in a free society. If you cannot persuade, you cannot succeed in solving America's challenges because in the end, the American people must support your solutions or nothing can get done. It's time for a new model.
Governor Cuomo and I set out to demonstrate that two political leaders with dramatically different political perspectives can have a constructive, intelligent, free-wheeling dialogue about America without degenerating into petty partisan political point scoring where no one is persuaded.
We wanted to contrast our lively exchange with the rule-driven, consultant-strangled "debates" we've seen in the past few campaign cycles, in which campaign consultants maximize candidate choreography while minimizing the possibility of an informative, challenging debate.
Governor Cuomo and I believe that the Cooper Union model is good for America. I believe it will produce a much richer dialogue, more informed and better candidates, will encourage solutions and substance, and perhaps most significantly, will reengage millions of Americans to become active participants in America's future but who are today turned off by the trivial shallowness of the current political process.
The "Nine Nineties in Nine" Pledge
If you believe, as I do, that there is an opportunity for a better political dialogue now and in 2008, then I need your help. I issued a challenge at Cooper Union to those who are running for president asking them to take a pledge which can be summarized as follows.
"If I receive my party's nomination for President of the United States, I pledge to participate in nine, ninety-minute dialogues in the nine weeks before the general election with my opponent. In the Lincoln-Douglas style, I will agree to debate my opponent with only a time-keeper, and to insist upon no rules. I understand it will be just me and my solutions and my opponent with theirs."
Tim Russert from Meet the Press stated in the Great Hall at Cooper Union that he would ask every presidential candidate if they would agree to nine ninety-minute debates in nine weeks. I am asking you to do the same. When a candidate asks for your support, ask them if they will take the Nine Nineties in Nine Pledge.
Americans deserve the chance to see the candidates in an unfiltered dialogue. They deserve to be persuaded with solutions that stem from core beliefs. Most of all, they deserve a presidential election process worthy of choosing the man or woman who will occupy the Oval Office and assume the mantle of leader of the free world.
One Candidate Takes the Nine Nineties in Nine Challenge -- Who Will be Next?
So who asked for my autograph? Let's see if you guessed right. Before the Cooper Union event I was walking in mid-town Manhattan near 44th and 6th Ave. on my way to pre-tape an interview with Dr. Jim Dobson for Focus on the Family. Someone from behind tapped me on my shoulder and asked me for my autograph. Reaching for my pen, I turned around and who was standing there with his famous Big Apple smile but the former Mayor himself, Rudy Giuliani. In the middle of the sidewalk we spoke for 10 minutes and them something wonderful happened. After I told him about the pledge challenge we were about to issue at Cooper Union that night, without missing a beat, he readily agreed to the challenge.
So who will be the next to take the Nine Nineties in Nine Pledge? You can help every candidate to accept by writing their offices, calling talk radio or asking them personally. If enough voters insist upon substance and civility in the next eighteen months, then candidates will have no choice but to tell their consultants "No" and tell Americans "YES", there is a better way.
I believe we succeeded in providing one model to improve the 2008 campaign. I think those in attendance on Wednesday night would agree. But I'll leave it up to you to decide. You can watch the entire event on the web at
Let me know what you think.
Your friend,
Newt Gingrich
P.S. -- I spoke to a record crowd at the 34th annual CPAC conference on Saturday. In the speech, I hit a number of points including asking the candidates to take the Pledge.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
On the Radio
Winning the Future with Newt Gingrich, a new series of 90-second radio commentaries, can be heard Monday through Friday on more than 350 radio stations during The G. Gordon Liddy Show and The Michael Reagan Show. For a list of stations, click here.
* Related Commentary:
The Cooper Union Model
Come to Cooper Union
English First, Not English Only
Are We Our Own Most Expensive Enemy?
More Than the Presidency
If you have an organization or know of an organization that would benefit from the national radio exposure gained by sponsoring Winning the Future with Newt Gingrich, please contact Mary Lou Davidson (, 941-379-1440) at Matrix Media to find out more about how you can make a difference through this limited opportunity.
Leading the Majority - Winning the Future's Talk Radio Show
Friday at 2:00 PM ET on after Paul Weyrich's "The Right Hour."
Last Friday, Rick and Vince hosted the show live from the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC. We interviewed former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore about his plans to run for President. We also interviewed nationally syndicated columnist Barry Casselman about his thoughts on the CPAC conference and his reaction to last week's Cooper Union event that featured Newt Gingrich and Mario Cuomo.
Rick Tyler is Newt's spokesman and Vince Haley directs Newt's policy research.
Copyright ©2007 Eagle Publishing Inc.
If a friend has forwarded you this message, visit to subscribe to FREE conservative news alerts from Newt Gingrich, Ann Coulter, and Robert Novak.
Photograph of Speaker Newt Gingrich by ©2004 Doug DeMark Photography.
Human Events, One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001
Saturday, March 3, 2007
2008 ELECTIONS: Dem. Sen. Barack Obama run for President 'in his own words'
Wise Voters need to start sifting through the tweaks and hypes of all the rhetorics of political candidates to have a clear idea of who the best candidate is for their vote and to vote in the 2008 election with conviction and peace of mind.
This blog will continue to post information from other front running candidates for President in the 2008 elections.
Here are answers to questions about Democratic Senator Barack Obama in his own words and found at:
Here excerpt with Senator Obama's own thoughts on religion and Christian religion tradition:
In terms of actual beliefs, Obama told Falsini that he has a deep faith "...rooted in the Christian tradition." He added, "I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people, that there are values that transcend race or culture, that move us forward, and that there’s an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make those values lived." He said his mother "...was a deeply spiritual person and would spend a lot of time talking about values and give me books about the world’s religions and talk to me about them. Her view always was that underlying these religions was a common set of beliefs about how you treat other people and how you aspire to act, not just for yourself but also for the greater good." He also told Falsini, "Alongside my own deep personal faith, I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state. I am a big believer in our constitutional structure."
This blog will continue to post information from other front running candidates for President in the 2008 elections.
Here are answers to questions about Democratic Senator Barack Obama in his own words and found at:
Here excerpt with Senator Obama's own thoughts on religion and Christian religion tradition:
In terms of actual beliefs, Obama told Falsini that he has a deep faith "...rooted in the Christian tradition." He added, "I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people, that there are values that transcend race or culture, that move us forward, and that there’s an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make those values lived." He said his mother "...was a deeply spiritual person and would spend a lot of time talking about values and give me books about the world’s religions and talk to me about them. Her view always was that underlying these religions was a common set of beliefs about how you treat other people and how you aspire to act, not just for yourself but also for the greater good." He also told Falsini, "Alongside my own deep personal faith, I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state. I am a big believer in our constitutional structure."
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