Friday, November 2, 2007

Senator Obama: salutes the flag 'sometimes'...

With Senator Obama in the news still attacking Senator Hillary Clinton this is a new light perhaps on how he really feels about the USA...

E-mails circulating on Senator Obama not saluting the flag:
Picture of Senator Barack Obama Failing to Salute the Flag While Others on a Platform, Including Senator Hillary Clinton, are Saluting-Truth! - An ABC News video, however, shows that Senator Obama did not salute at any time during the anthem and that everybody else on the platform did...

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Unknown said...

The furor over this sounds like politics as usual. We have a president who most likely always follows all the outwardly patriotic protocol. What difference does that make? I want a president who is honest and intelligent and ethical. Barack Obama has these qualities. Let's not get distracted by red herrings like these.

Unknown said...

The furor over this sounds like politics as usual. We have a president who most likely always follows all the outwardly patriotic protocol. What difference does that make? I want a president who is honest and intelligent and ethical. Barack Obama has these qualities. Let's not get distracted by red herrings like these.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is an obvious visual statement that he does not have America in his heart. When average Americans were going to school singing the anthem, saying the pledge of allegiance and having a moment of silence where was he? There is a common thread in the minds in Americans, a love of country and a belief in the principal that all men are created equal. He seems to have missed learning love of country.